Mornings are the most significant part of the day as it is the beginning of a new chapter of your life that unfolds every 24 hours. Things you do in the morning create a huge impact on your life. In other words, how you start your day decides the fate of the rest of your day. If you start your mornings with an unhealthy mindset, chances are you will be carrying a load of that negativity the entire day.Having a morning routine not only rejuvenates you but also helps you kick start your day like a boss.Here are 10 morning habits you need to develop today for a productive and a fruitful day.
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I know the comfort of your cosy bed is no less than a heaven in the morning but this cosiness is also responsible for lassitude and lethargy.
Stop hitting the snooze button and jump out of your bed immediately. Do not set multiple alarms.
The so-called sleep time between your two alarms basically makes your body feel sleep deprived and as a result, you wake up exhausted. This way you are already tired before you even start your day.
Having an adequate amount of time in the morning, to do things which are relevant to you is essential. So, stop convincing yourself that it doesn’t matter if you sleep for an extra 20 minutes because it matters and matters more than you think.
No one cares about my bed. Anyways I’ll unmake it the first thing in the night.
If these are the excuses you give yourself, then this is the time to ditch them and add this negligible looking but impactful morning habit in your morning routine.
This is the first thing you do in the morning which instantly brightens up your room as well as your mood. This small little thing can completely change the way your room looks.
Keep your little nest clean and tidy and see how magically this affects your mind and productivity.
Imagine how nice it would be to collapse on an unrumpled bed after a long tiring day.
Breathe in some fresh air in the morning and let the sunlight come in. This is an amazing way to remind your body that the night is over and it’s time to wake up.
Morning sunlight not only allows your body to create Vitamin D but it also affects your mood in a positive way.
Sunlight triggers your brain to release a hormone called Serotonin. This hormone helps in regulating your mood and keeps you calm.
During the night time, our body makes Melatonin (which helps us to sleep) and not Serotonin, due to which it’s level decreases and low level of Serotonin makes you feel depressed.
It’s really a bad idea to wake up depressed, so open the blinds and enjoy a cheerful day.
Up to 60% of the human body is made of water and therefore it requires water in order to function properly.
When you wake up from a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep, your body is dehydrated and in dire need of water. So drink water in the morning to replenish your body.
Start from as little as possible and increase your water intake gradually. When I started drinking water in the morning, I could barely finish a glass and now I can drink 2 to 3 glass of water easily.
Keep water next to your bed before you sleep if you are too lazy to go to the kitchen in the morning.
Your body needs some movement after a long sleep.
That’s OK if you cannot hit the gym. Do some yoga and breathing exercises to awaken your body or do some stretching to improve blood circulation and flexibility.
Exercising not only affects your physical fitness but it also improves your mood.
Feel-good chemicals release in your body when you exercise and as the name suggests they make you feel good. Exercising lifts your mood instantly.
Nothing is more relaxing than a long shower after workout. Add a skincare routine to your normal shower session.
Make your skin happy by taking care of it every morning. There is no need for you to buy tons of fancy and unreasonably expensive products.
Use whatever works for you and you are comfortable with but use it religiously.
No matter what skin care routine you follow, do not forget to moisturize your skin and never step out of the house without a sunscreen.
Never skip your breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day. What you eat for breakfast gets quickly absorbed by your body, as it is starving.
Having a cup of coffee with a cookie doesn’t count as breakfast because neither it is filling nor healthy. Having a healthy breakfast keeps your energy level high which in turn increases your productivity.
If you don’t have time to cook a wholesome breakfast in the morning then try meal prepping a night before. Or just simply replace unhealthy options with healthy go to options.
Instead of eating a buttered toast eat avocado toast or drink a green smoothie instead of coffee.
Take control of your day and make a to-do list. Decide your priorities for the day and get started. Make a list of your appointments, decide the time slot for your meetings and plan any other thing which is important to you like going out on a dinner or making a call to your family.
Planning your day helps you remain focused and allows you to manage your time in a productive way. When you have a list of things to do in a day with a proper plan, it serves as a motivation for you to keep going.
Pack your leftovers for lunch. If there aren’t any leftovers then grab a handful of nuts or fruits.
This way you can eat something healthy during the day and it also saves you money as you don’t have to spend on food by eating outside. Both the ways it is a win-win situation.
Dress up and get ready. Don’t move out of your house looking like you jumped straight out of your bed to your office.
Even if you are working from home, dress up. And by dressing up I don’t mean wear your evening gowns (and why not if you are comfortable). Get ready like you would when you meet somebody. Dress up for yourself. This not only increases your confidence but also makes you feel good about yourself.
Related reads
Evening routine : 10 things to do every night before bed
How to form a habit and stick to it
How to boost your self confidence : 10 simple ways
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You covered everything that is required to kick start the day with full power.I hope I will be able to follow all the morning rituals.Looking forward to more new blogs.
I am sure you will be able to. Having a productive morning is the first step to success.
Love this! Productivity really should start the moment you wake up. Thank you so much for sharing this.