Women are often subjected to high beauty standards and constant pressure to look attractive. But what does it actually mean to be attractive? Can attractiveness be defined? In my opinion, attractiveness is not about turning into a beauty queen but being comfortable with who you are. We all know a few women in our lives who are charismatic and fill the room with their aura. If you are wondering what makes these women so attractive, then you are in the right place. As I’ll share with you eight habits of attractive women that makes them so special.
8 habits of women who always stay attractive
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1. They know their worth
No matter what you do, you cannot keep everyone happy. People will always find one way or the other to define you.
It is necessary to know what you are truly made of. Believe in your capabilities and know your worth.
Seeking approval from others and a cry for acceptance does more harm than good.
The attractiveness lies in uniqueness and not in fitting in the crowd. You can be anything you want. You just have to work towards it.
Become more self-aware and break free of the limitation and boundaries set by you and the people around you.
2. They are polite
No one is attracted to rude and unfriendly people.
Irrespective of the kind of day you had, try and be polite to other people. There is nothing attractive about venting your rage on people who are hardly responsible for it.
Respect is not gained by force but earned with courtesy.
Being polite is an attractive trait that makes people comfortable around you. Talk to them nicely and treat them with respect.
3. They practice self-care
It is imperative to take some time off your busy schedule and devote it to yourself.
Self-care is not a fancy term but a reward for your hard work, you do daily.
ME TIME is more important than you think. It’s time to build a relationship with yourself.
Just like you do things for other people to make them happy and strengthen your relationship with them similarly, self-care allows you to form a bond with yourself.
Taking care of your personal needs will help you feel more confident and happy.
A stressed and burned out woman can never be attractive, as stress doesn’t attract, but happiness does.
Make yourself a priority and listen to your needs.
A healthy balance of mind, body and soul will bring out the best in you.
4. They are independent
Chase your dreams and do what you love.
Become an independent and self-sufficient woman. Decide what you want and just go for it. Do what needs to be done and push your way to success.
I never met a person in my life (except bastion of male chauvinism), who doesn’t find independent women attractive.
What makes an independent woman stand in the crowd is her ability to make decisions and create her own path.
Since childhood girls are conditioned, to become the damsels in distress waiting for their prince charming. But it is high time you rescue yourself and build your empire.
Becoming independent and working to fill your bank account doesn’t make you greedy! It’s called being ambitious.
Being a career-oriented woman is not selfish.
It’s time to unlearn and make some new goals.
5. They are learners
Never be afraid to learn something new. Learning has no age limit.
It is imperative to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.
Attractive women always shine bright and what’s a better way to shine, than bedazzling the crowd with your wisdom.
Keep yourself updated about what’s happening around and never hesitate to put forward your opinions.
Learn from your experiences and mistakes. Strive to grow every day and never stop learning.
6. They feel attractive
Attractive women do not hate themselves. They appreciate every aspect of their life.
Indulge in positive self-talk and love what do have.
If there is anything you want to do to feel attractive, just do it.
Wear what makes you feel happy and attractive.
You want a makeover? Do it! Thinking about changing your hair colour or want to get a new hair cut? Go for it!
Who is stopping you? You owe no explanation to anybody.
Sometimes it is us, who inhibits ourselves from trying something new. Break your limiting believes and become the lady of your dreams.
7. They take care of their health
Attractive women live a healthy life. They take care of their body and nourish it with nutritious food.
A healthy glowing skin, strong hairs and a fit body are not only attractive attributes but also a sign of a healthy lifestyle.
Eat a balanced diet, and try to eat home-cooked meals. Eliminate junk food and include different colour vegetables and fruits in your diet.
Having a healthy body doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym tomorrow. Start small, but do something.
For example – start drinking green tea instead of sugar-laced drinks or swap fried potato chips for baked zucchini chips.
Another thing we often forget to pay attention to is quality sleep. A good night sleep of minimum six to eight hours in necessary.
Invest in your beauty sleep instead of expensive concealers to hide those dark circles around your eyes.
A healthy body will not only help you look attractive, but it will also improve your mood and keep you energized.
8. They have a good posture
A positive body language and a good posture can make you look more attractive instantly.
Keep your shoulders relaxed and do not slouch.
When you meet someone, stand straight and make eye contact with the person.
A simple smile on your face can make you more approachable and attractive without putting in many efforts.
And above all, a good posture and a pretty smile are known to keep you healthy.
A good body posture makes you look confident and in control and hence more attractive.
So the next time, you want to win some hearts at a stroke, go for a warm smile and a crisp posture.
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